in last year's valfis or atleast wud have heard of them.. Of my four years of Btech stay, my Valfi night.. my profile time.. was u
can the say the best time spent.. to know who were with me all those years.. and for them to know me better before i bid good bye...
ya.. everything..
the guds..
the bads..
the laughs together..
the cryings in those shahrukh movies...
the stealing of their grubs..
the watching pondies together..
the flirting their girl friends..
the back bitings..
the loving eachother..
the gay clubs..
the cleavages..
the struggles..
the screw ups..
the crushes..
the puches..
and the everything..
on one hand when everybuddy's f**king tensed about what cud come in his/her profile... on another it's the day when u feel "it's ur day"...
I was being very nostalgic.. and very senti working alone from last few weeks.. but yesterday.. yesterday was great.. being together at the lake
side.. really. it didnt make a difference how much time we all actually spent talking to eachother.. the thing was everybody was around... and
that felt nice.. i might sound a bit dramatic... but lets have it all written somewhere.. as our profiles... bound together in a book.. kinda a slambook.. signed by
each one of us... to be kept with us whole through our life as the memory of these 2 not so great but good years.. :P :)
Let's write for ourselves.. let's write for every hole-digger. (I've mailed u all a doc file, plz refer to it and start writing, hope 2 see a gud amnt of input from everybody for everybody). :)
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