Both of them in the same room. What to do?

Make faces.... what else !!!!

And what happened to this guy??? Well filling the hold. mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh

Dare to look at me and I'll set the world to fire.

Abey chhod I keep such fireballs in my right hand.
Ha ha ha.
That's so much fun.
But One Hole Digger had equally adventurous weekend. Most of ull no it. Its like heaven under hills, Kumar, Arun and Varun ull are really lucky to hav such a lovely place for accommodation. For the first time I am feelin like leavin Bomay and shiftin to Pune. :)
hmmmm. come on dude. v vl party.
massstttt hai bhidooo.. bas bhabhiyon ki kami hai...
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